Nova García, Manuel Joaquín deHernán Pérez de la Ossa, Tomás2023-06-182023-06-182016-03-17 inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid de la Facultad de Odontología del Departamento de Estomatología IV, leída el 30-10-2015La literatura existente acerca del manejo odontológico de pacientes discapacitados es escasa. El tratamiento de estos pacientes se realiza frecuentemente bajo anestesia general y en un medio hospitalario. La población de discapacitados psíquicos representa un grupo con una alta incidencia de patologías orales. La falta de diagnostico y las diferencias en el tratamiento contribuyen al empeoramiento de su salud oral y justifica la existencia de unidades especificas para estos pacientes...Literature on the dental management of handicapped subjects is scare compared with that of the general population. Until recent years, the management of disability patients was not even mentioned in undergraduate programs of most dental schools in different parts of the world. Mental disabilities can develop due to a variety of conditions which include cerebral palsy, Dowńs syndrome, autism and perinatal hypoxia. Dental care for the mentally disabled uncooperative patients should be performed in consideration of the effect of that care on their systemic conditions. Dental treatment for this patients is often performed under general anesthesia due to the level of cooperation, type and location of treatment, time required or number of times patient is required to attend hospital. The mentally disabled population represents a group with high incidence of oral disease compared to the general population. High rates of dental caries, missing teeth, periodontal disease and malocclusion are all indicators of poor oral health in adults with disabilities that has a negative impact on the quality of life of individuals. Under-diagnosis and differential oral health treatment contribute to an increase oral diseases of adults with disabilities and justify the need of specific units for this patients...spaProcedimientos de asistencia odontológica hospitalaria en pacientes discapacitados psíquicos no colaboradores tratados con anestesia generaldoctoral thesisopen access616.314-056(043.2)Discapacitados psíquicosPeople with mental disabilitiesOdontología (Medicina)