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The Convention uses the term ‘best practice’ within a scenario in which this concept, like ‘good practice’, has been extensively but only vaguely defined. Taking this as a starting point, the aim of this article is to offer a report based on a critical, bibliographical and archival review of how these notions have evolved. To this end, we re-examine their origin and evolution, contrasting them with other related terms such as ‘contextual practice’ or ‘meaningful experience’. We then analyse how the notions of good/best practice are used in the UNESCO Convention and in a series of studies focusing on communication and culture. In short, these terms are deconstructed to suggest a new critical definition that encompasses the characteristics of what might constitute a good practice in the promotion and/or protection of audiovisual diversity.spaAtribución-NoComercial 3.0 EspañaGood practices in audiovisual diversity. Hype or hope?journal article access316.77Best practicesCommunicationCultural diversityAudiovisual industryPublic policyUNESCO.Comunicación audiovisualEmpresas de información