Cebrián Fernández, María del RosarioRuiz Osuna, Ana2024-05-172024-05-172021-08-09978-84-472-3055-6 excavations carried out in urban burial areas from Early Imperial age show that practically the only funeral rite was incineration. The cremated bone remains were deposited inside an urn buried in a small pit or resting directly on the ground. Domestic ceramic pots were commonly used and, less frequently, glass vessels, due to its higher cost. This paper analyses the typology of the sixty-five cinerary containers found in Segobriga in order to establish their evolution and chronological assignment.spaAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLas urnas cinerarias de las necrópolis altoimperiales de Segobriga. Tipología formal y cronologíaFunerary urns in the Early Empire necropolises of Segobriga. Morphological, typology and crhronologybook part access902Early Empire necropolisfunerary urnstypologySegobrigaHumanidades55 Historia5505 Ciencias Auxiliares de la Historia5505.01 Arqueología