Vallés Martínez, Miguel Santiago2024-07-122024-07-122011Valles, M. S. (2011). Archival and Biographical Research Sensitivity: A European Perspective from Spain. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(3). present a revised English version of a paper that was first presented at the 10th Spanish Congress of Sociology held in Pamplona 1st-3rd July 2010. The focus is on various methodological reasonings gathered while preparing the Madrid event, starting from the kick-off meeting of the EUROQUAL program in 2006.Abstract: This FQS issue on archives and biographical methods is a special occasion to inform about a European initiative for the promotion and exchange of experiences of qualitative research in the social sciences. The whole project was designed as a a four-year (2006-2010) European Science Foundation program known by the acronym EUROQUAL. This article intends to provide some ideas and methodological reflections arising from the Madrid EUROQUAL-Workshop on Archives and Life-History Research (21-23 September 2009). The key point concerns what I suggest to name archival and biographical research "sensitivity." It has to do with the issues of research quality, research economy and the conception of social research as patrimony. Approaches in the European landscape also serve to highlight the contrasting situation in Spain.engArchival and biographical research sensitivity: a European perspective from Spainjournal article accessArchivesBiographical researchArchival research sensitivityQualitative methodologyEuropean overviewSpainSociologíaCiencias Sociales6399 Otras Especialidades Sociológicas5501 Biografías