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Mientras esta tendencia presiona en un sentido, desplazando modos de pensamiento que no comparte la comunidad sociológica dominante, la fragmentación de la disciplina motivada por la división social del trabajo crea la necesidad de generalistas. Admitiendo esta contradicción, realizamos una reflexión sobre la tensión ontológica, así como sobre la amplitud y sesgo crítico que aporta la Historia del Pensamiento Económico.Since the History of Economic Thought is a field within the discipline, regrets about its loss of prominence for economic analysis are a constant. In this paper we examine the state of the art of the discipline and whether the Great Recession has influenced the research through the publications of five of the main journals in the area. Our results suggest that the direction given to the market of economic ideas seems to outweigh the progress of events, although this does not imply per se that it is not the time for the specialization. While this trend pushes in one direction, displacing modes of thought not shared by the dominant sociological community, the fragmentation of the discipline motivated by the social division of labour creates the need for generalists. Accepting this contradiction we make a deep reflection on the ontological tension, and on the scope and critical bias that the History of Economic Thought provides.spaAtribución 3.0 EspañaReflexiones acerca del estado de la cuestión en la Historia del Pensamiento Económico tras la Gran RecesiónReflections on the state of the art in History of Economic Thought after the Great Recessionjournal article accessA11A14B2B4Historia del pensamiento económicoOntologíaPluralidadTeoría económica.History of economic thoughtOntologyPluralityEconomic theory.EconomíaTeorías económicas53 Ciencias Económicas5307 Teoría Económica