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To achieve that goal we are going to analyse the Spanish case. Spain is undoubtedly a significant case in that group because it is still today a country with a low level of technological effort among European nations. Moreover, for a long period of time, Spain has been a net receiver of important amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI), with less developed outward flows. This analysis will be carried out by studying the technological behaviour of MNCs’ s subsidiaries located in Spain and its repercussions for the National System of Innovation (NSI). Through a systematic comparison with domestic companies, we shall show in which aspects MNCs act like comparable national firms, and in which others they behave differently. The weight of the sector of activity and size of the firms will be taken into account as two critical features of the group of MNCs. In the conclusions we shall comment on the repercussions the former has for designing and implementing technological policies.engMultinational and national firms in the process of technology internatzionalization : Spain as an intermediate casetechnical reportopen accessEspañaInnovación TecnológicaEmpresas MultinacionalesSistemas Nacionales de InnovaciónAdministración de empresas5311 Organización y Dirección de Empresas