Camilli Trujillo, CeliaBenítez Sastre, LauraÁvila Valdés, NoemíAlonso García, DavidLópez Fernández, María ÁngelesMartínez hernández, CarlosLópez Medina, Esteban FranciscoTorres Vega, SaraCamilli Trujillo, Celia Rosa2023-06-162023-06-162021-09-31• Strauss, C. A. & Corbin, M. J. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. SAGE. • Vallejos, F., Agudo, Y., Mañas, B., Alfonso, L., Arribas, J. M. y Ortí, M. (2011). Investigación social mediante encuestas. Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces. COVID pandemic upset traditional academic life and turned makeshift online solutions a probable long-term feature of university, therefore, the general objective of this study was to know about the online teaching/learning experience for students and professors in universities that are part of the project ERASMUS + KA2 called STROLL: Walking the City-Streets Online. The report provides a list of the most popular, available online teaching tools and platforms with good examples of their innovative use for similar or very close pedagogical purposes. Specific objectives are: 1. Describe the experience of online teaching/learning process during the pandemic. 2. Know about the tools most frequently used by students and teachers for online teaching/learning, and why. 3. Identify good practices in the use of tools for online teaching/learning.engAtribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 EspañaAnalysis: Digital Teaching/Learning Erasmus+ STROLL: Walking the City-Streets Online ID: 2020-1-HU01-KA226-HE-094111technical report access37.02378371.3159.953.537Digital TeachingLearningCOVID PandemicErasmusEducaciónAprendizajeMétodos de enseñanzaEnseñanza universitaria58 Pedagogía6104.03 Leyes del Aprendizaje6104.02 Métodos Educativos5801.08 Enseñanza Programada