Malyshev, Andrey2023-06-202023-06-202001-05-151098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.63.195111©2001 The American Physical Society. We are indebted to our relative Konstantin Malyshev who joined us in performing this study. A.V.M. is grateful to ASCOL de Salamanca for support and la Universidad de Salamanca for hospitality and computer facilitiesNumerical study of the one-dimensional Frenkel Hamiltonian with on-site randomness is carried out. We focus on the statistics of the energy levels near the lower exciton band edge, i.e., those determining optical response. We found that the distribution of the energy spacing between the states that are well localized at the same segment is characterized by a nonzero mean, i.e. these states undergo repulsion. This repulsion results in a local discrete energy structure of a localized Frenkel exciton. On the contrary, the energy spacing distribution for weakly overlapping local ground states (the states with no nodes within their localization segments) that are localized at different segments has zero mean and shows almost no repulsion. The typical width of the latter distribution is of the same order of magnitude as the typical spacing in the local discrete energy structure so that this local structure is hidden: it does not reveal itself either in the density of states or in the linear absorption spectra. However. this structure affects the two-exciton transitions involving the states of the same segment and can be observed by the pump-probe spectroscopy. We analyze also the disorder degree scaling of the first and second momenta of the distributions.engStatistics of low energy levels of a one-dimensional weakly localized Frenkel exciton: A numerical studyjournal article access538.9Off-diagonal disorderOptical-propertiesStatesDynamicsAbsenceSystemsLengthFísica de materialesFísica del estado sólido2211 Física del Estado Sólido