Rodríguez López, Juan PedroMeléndez Hevia, María Nieves2023-06-202023-06-2020041576-5172 stratigraphie and sedimentologic study about the Escucha Fm (Lower-Middle Albian) has been done in the Oliete Subbasin (Central Iberian Basin). This lithostratighapic unit was developped during the last moments of the second rift state (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), that affected the Iberian Basin. Sixteen facies has been distinguished and gathered in five characteristic facies associations: flood plain, marshftaay margin, interdistributary bay, crevasse splay and distributary channel. These facies associations belong to different sedimentary subenvironments developped in the proximal sector of a deltaic depositional system. The vertical sedimentary evolution shows a trend to more continental conditions from base to top. Different Albian macroflora remains have been found in different stratigraphic levels.spaSedimentología de la Fm Escucha (Albiense inferior-medio) entre Estercuel y Crivillén (Teruel) en la Cubeta de Oliete (Cuenca Ibérica Central)journal article access551.3.051Escucha FmOliete SubbasinFacies associationsDeltaic depositional systemGeología estratigráfica2506.19 Estratigrafía