Gómez Sánchez-Manzano, EusebioGómez Villegas, Miguel A.Marín Diazaraque, Juan Miguel2023-06-202023-06-2020031988-2807https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/56905In this paper it is taken up a revision and characterization of the class of absolutely continuous elliptical distributions upon a parameterization based on the density function. Their properties (probabilistic characteristics, a±ne transformations, marginal and conditional distributions and regression) are shown in a practical and easy to interpret way. Two examples are fully undertaken: the multivariate double exponential dis-tribution and the multivariate uniform distribution.engA survey on continuous elliptical vector distributionsjournal articlehttp://www.mat.ucm.es/serv/revista/p_insm_es.htmopen access519.22Elliptical distributionElliptically contoured distributionStochastic representationConditional and marginal distributionsRegressionEstadística aplicada