Luis Aina, AlfredoAres Santos, Laura2023-06-162023-06-162020-08-212469-992610.1103/PhysRevA.102.022222©2020 American Physical Society. L.A. and A.L. acknowledge financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Project No.FIS2016-75199-P. L.A. acknowledges financial support from European Social Fund and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades, Contract Grant No. BES-2017-081942.Any nonclassical effect noticed in measured statistics is usually attributed just to the light state being observed. According to Born's rule, quantum probabilities are given by the overlap between the system state and measurement states in a quite symmetrical way. We demonstrate that the nonclassicality of the measurement is a necessary condition to obtain nonclassical statistics. To this end, we present a detector characterization for two-observable joint detection processes based on detector tomography. This is particularized to the most common signatures of nonclassical light.engApparatus contribution to observed nonclassicalityjournal article access535CoherentStatesLightÓptica (Física)2209.19 Óptica Física