Grigera, T.S.Martín Mayor, VíctorParisi, G.Urbani, P.Verrocchio, P.2023-06-202023-06-202011-02-071742-546810.1088/1742-5468/2011/02/P02015© 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA. We were partly supported by MICINN (Spain) through research contract nos. FIS2009-12648-C03-01 (VMM and PV) and FIS2008-01323 (PV).Diagrammatic techniques to compute perturbatively the spectral properties of Euclidean random matrices (ERM) in the high-density regime are introduced and discussed in detail. Such techniques are developed in two alternative and very different formulations of the mathematical problem and are shown to give identical results up to second order in the perturbative expansion. One method, based on writing the so-called resolvent function as a Taylor series, allows to group the diagrams in a small number of topological classes, providing a simple way to determine the infrared (small momenta) behavior of the theory up to third order, which is of interest for the comparison with experiments. The other method, which reformulates the problem as a field theory, can instead be used to study the infrared behaviour at any perturbative order.engOn the high-density expansion for Euclidean random matricesjournal article access53Instantaneous normal-modesDynamical structure factorX-ray-scatteringDisordered-systemsVitreous silicaAcoustic modesField-theoryOf-statesGlassesLiquids.Física-Modelos matemáticos