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Using the zero net current condition for the Stellarator configurations, we reformulate the problem with the help of the notion of relative rearrangement, leading to a new problem involving nonlocal terms in the equation. We use an iterative algorithm and establish some new properties on the relative rearrangement in order to prove the convergence of the algorithm and then the existence of a solution.engOn a nonlocal stationary free-boundary problem arising in the confinement of a plasma in a stellarator geometryjournal articlehttp://www.springerlink.com/content/m3gr085758471jpp/http://www.springerlink.com/restricted access517.956.2iterative procedureexistence theoremaveragingnonlinear elliptic partial differential equationinverse-type problemzero net current conditionsrelative arrangementsnon-local termsconvergenceGeometría diferencialEcuaciones diferenciales1204.04 Geometría Diferencial1202.07 Ecuaciones en Diferencias