Cobos Díaz, FernandoFernández-Cabrera Marín, Luz MaríaTriebel, Hans2023-06-202023-06-2020040024-610710.1112/S0024610704005460 procedure is given to reduce the interpolation spaces on an ordered pair generated by the function parameter tθ (1 + |log t|)−b to the classical real interpolation spaces. Applications are given for Lorentz–Zygmund function spaces, Besov spaces of generalized smoothness and Lorentz– Zygmund operator spaces.engAbstract and Concrete Logarithmic Interpolation Spacesjournal articlehttps// access517.518.85Function ParameterBesov-SpacesLorentzSobolevAnálisis numérico1206 Análisis Numérico