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Resulta que las empresas con un mayor esfuerzo y orientación innovador consideran los efectos de aprendizaje mucho más importante que las empresas pocas innovadoras. Además se ha detectado un grupo de empresas pequeñas y pocas innovadoras que apenas han mejorado su capacidad tecnológica. Parece que para este tipo de empresas el proceso de aprendizaje no esta asegurada debido a la falta de experiencia y una masa crítica en un campo tan complejo y especializado como la innovación.This paper analyzes the impact in the form of learning and technology transfer of those publicly funded R & D + I proyects. Analyzing the level of learning and technology transfer, the profile of the companies with a higher or lower level of learning. It also analyzes the relationship between learning and financial additionality aid effect, it means, the level of learning related to the impact of aid on expenditure on R & D of the subsidized firms. The main conclusion of this study is that the innovative behavior characteristics of firms are highly correlated with the level of learning. It turns out that companies with a major effort and oriented to innovative learning effects are considered much more important than a few innovative companies. It has also identified a group of small enterprises and hardly few have improved the innovative technology. It seems that for these companies the learning process is not assured due to lack of expertise and critical mass in a field as complex and specialized as innovation.spaAtribución-NoComercial 3.0 EspañaLa capacidad innovadora como determinante del aprendizaje.The ability to innovate as key to learning.technical reporthttps://www.ucm.es/iaif/actividadhttps://www.ucm.es/iaif/instituto-universitarioopen accessCapacidad innovadoraAprendizajeTrasferencia tecnológicaI+DSubvenciones.Innovation skillsLearning processTechnology transferR&DFinancial aid.AprendizajeDidácticaMétodos de enseñanzaMétodos de investigación en educación6104.03 Leyes del Aprendizaje58 Pedagogía6104.02 Métodos Educativos