Chamorro Gutiérrez, E.Bonnin Arias, Cristina NataliaRamirez Mercado, G.Urbano Rodríguez, R.Ríos Santos, R.Sánchez Ramos, Celia2024-07-192024-07-192012-10-13 To evaluate wetability and deposits accumulation on anterior surface of blue light-fi ltering contact lens after a cleaning process with Multi-purpose Solution Cleaning, Hydrogen Peroxide solution and Lubricant Drops. Methods: A self-controlled trial was carried out in 41 contact lens users who were wearing blue light-fi ltering contact lens (Profi lcon A 52%WC) for 30 minutes per test. Wetability and deposits accumulation on anterior surface were evaluated according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO11980 guidelines. Four conditions were set: a)usual contact lens, b)blue light-fi ltering contact lens after cleaning process with Multi-purpose Solution Cleaning, c)after Hydrogen Peroxide solution disinfection and d) after Lubricant Drops instillation. Results: Statistically signifi cant diff erences were not observed within the parameters evaluated among the diff erent cleaning solutions proposed. For a,b,c and d conditions, the percentage of lens that showed very insignifi cant deposits accumulation(visible after drying tear fi lm) were 25%,34%,20% and 27%, respectively and the percentage of lens that showed not signifi cant deposits (deposits easily eliminated) were 3%,2%,7% and 8%, respectively. Regarding wetability, minor wetability problems were showed and these ones were solved by the blinking in 18%, 29%, 18% and 18% of the cases, respectively, whereas the areas that remained dry on the contact lenses were 4%,0%,5% and 2% of the cases. Conclusion: wetability and deposits accumulation on anterior surface of blue light filtering contact lenses is similar for the diff erent cleaning treatment and equivalent to the non blue light-fi ltering contact lens.engWetability and deposits accomulation on anterior surface of blue light-filtering contact lens.Humectabilidad y acumulación de depósitos en la superficie anterior de lentes de contacto con filtro de luz azul.conference papermetadata only accessWetabilityDeposits accumulationAnterior surfaceBlue light-filteringContact lensÓptica y optometríaLentes de contacto2209 Óptica2209.15 Optometría