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Once confirmed that the tales were translatable due to the purposes of this academic project, the field of children’s literature and its relationship with translation was explored. To this a search of information on the author, Alison Lurie followed. And an investigation on Spanish-English translation problems, demanding critical solutions, both at a general level and at a more specialised one. After the translation process, came the choice of a specific translation issue to be discussed using the source and target texts as corpus. The aim here was to find a topic of current interest and relevance, as well as originality. Connectives attracted special attention of the present researcher and the tutor of this TFM, as a new category of elements particularly significant for children’s narratives both semantically and structurally. However, the novelty of the category as such, the number of elements potentially involved and the lack of specific cross-linguistic studies made the analysis and background research more complicated than expected. A preliminary analysis and discussion of results was carried out on a group of connectives representing the main four types of semantic types of structural connection, only to recognise that further research is needed on this realm.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaA Spanish Translation: Alison Lurie’s Talesmaster thesishttp://portal.ucm.es/web/masteres-filologia/master-en-linguistica-inglesaopen access811.111Engliag-Spanish translationAlison LurieEnglish talesFilologíaTraducción e interpretaciónFilología inglesa5505.10 Filología5701.13 Lingüística Aplicada a la Traducción E Interpretación5505.10 Filología