Giménez Fernández, Elena MaríaSandulli, Francesco Domenico2023-06-172023-06-1720171366-271610.1080/13662716.2016.1266928 study examines the relationship between breadths of two different modes of external knowledge: R&D outsourcing and cooperation. Building upon transaction costs literature and literature on research partner breadth and R&D outsourcing we hypothesize an U-inverted relationship between outsourcing breadth and innovation performance and a complementary relationship between R&D outsourcing and R&D cooperation. The model is tested on a large sample based on CIS survey for Spain. The empirical analysis confirms the U-inverted relationship between outsourcing breadth and innovation but also reveals an interesting result: the complementary effect of R&D cooperation varies with the level of R&D outsourcing breadth and it is not confirmed for low and medium levels of R&D outsourcing breadth. The results have important implications for theory on the selection of different modes of inbound open innovation and for managers and their cooperation and outsourcing strategies.engModes of inbound knowledge flows: are cooperation and outsourcing really complementary?journal article accessO30O32L24Open innovationCooperation breadthR&D outsourcing breadthInnovative performanceOI combination.Cooperación económicaDesarrollo económicoEmpresas5307.03 Modelos y Teorías del desarrollo Económico5307.04 Estudios del desarrollo Económico5311 Organización y Dirección de Empresas