Pieren Pidal, Agustín PedroHerranz Araújo, PedroGutiérrez Marco, Juan CarlosSan José, M.Á. deRobardet, M.2023-06-202023-06-2020041576-5172https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/52297In the Castilian Branch of the Iberian Ranges the Ordovician succession is not abare extension of the well known reference successions of the Aragonese branch. The local Ordovician successions within the Castilian Branch are not identical as well. They show a discrete continuity following the main folding strike (approximately N-S or NW-SE beca use a folding interference) whereas there is a high gradient of variation in a perpendicular strike where we have also registered brusque changes. These variations appear as the presence or absence of formations, facies and thickness changes, etc .. At present we foresee a possible zoning within the Ordovician of this branch where three new domains or juxtaposed bands appear, striking either N-S or NW-SE. If this zoning is demonstrated and characterized, the following step will be to justify its existence regarding the terms of tectonic and sedimentation, characterizing as well the faults or processes between the bands, with the help provided by the geophysical data and the correlation with neighbouring Ordovician areas.spaRevisión litoestratigráfica de la sucesión ordovícica de la Rama Castellana del Sistema Ibéricojournal articlehttp://www.sociedadgeologica.es/publicaciones_geotemas.htmlopen access56:551.7(234.1)Iberian RangesOrdovicianLithostratigraphyBiostratigraphySpainGeología estratigráfica2506.19 Estratigrafía