Palazuelos Cabezón, CarlosPeralta Pereira, Antonio MiguelVillanueva, Ignacio2023-06-202023-06-2020090039-322310.4064/sm192-2-3 recent papers, the Right mid the Strong* topologies have been. introduced and studied on general Banach spaces We characterize different types of continuity for multilinear operators (joint, uniform, etc) with respect to the above topologies We also study the relations between them. Finally, in the last section, we relate the joint Strong*-to-norm continuity of a multilinear operator T defined on C*-algebras (respectively, JB*-triples) to C*-summability (respectively, JB*-triple-summability).Factorizing multilinear operators on Banach spaces, C*-algebras and JB*-triplesjournal article only access517Strong* topologyRight topologydominated multilinear operatorsabsolutely summing multilinear operators2-C*-dominated and 2-JB*-triple-dominated multilinear operatorsC*-algebrasJB*-triplesGrothendieck's inequalityAnálisis matemático1202 Análisis y Análisis Funcional