Conca, C.Díaz Díaz, Jesús IldefonsoLIñán, A.Timofte, C.Mihailescu-Suliciu, Mihaela2023-06-202023-06-202005H. BRÉZIS, Problémes unilatéraux, J. Math. Purés Appl. 51 (1972), 1-168. D. CIORÁNESCU, P. DONATO, Homogénéisation du probléme de Neumann non homogéne dans des auverts perfores, Asymptotic Anal. 1(1988), 115-138. D, CIORÁNESCU, J. SAINT JEAN PAULIN, Homogenization in open sets with holes, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 71(1979), 590 607. C. CONCA, J.I. DÍAZ, A. LIÑAN, C. TIMOFTE,Homogenization in chemical reactive flows, Electron. J. Differential Bquations 40(2004), 1-22. C. CONCA, J.I. DIAZ, C. TIMOFTE, Effective chemical processes in porous media, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci 13(2003), 1437-1462. C.CONCA,F.MURAT. C.TIMOFTE ,A generalized strange term in Signorini's type problems,M2ANMath.ModelNumer.Anal.37(2003), 773-806. U. HORNUNG, Homogenization and Poroiis Media, Sprínger; New York, 1997. U. HORNUNG, W. JAGER, Diffusion, convection, adsorption and reaction of Chemicals in porous media, J.Differential Equations 92(1991), 199-225. J.L. LIONS, Quelques méthodes de résolution des problémes aux limites non linéaires, Gauthier-Villars París, 1969; Dunod, 2002.978-9738543256 of the international conference New Trends in Continuum Mechanics, Constanta, Romania September 8-12, 2003.This paper deals with the homogenization of a nonlinear problem modelllng chemical reactive flows through periodically perforated domains. The chemical reactions take place on the walls of the porous médium. The effective behavior of these reactive flows is described by a new elliptic boundary-value problem contalning an extra zero-order term which captures the effect of the chemical reactions.engHomogenization results for chemical reactive flows through porous mediabook part access517.9Ecuaciones diferenciales1202.07 Ecuaciones en Diferencias