Roca Sierra, MarcosRosseger, PeterPidre Rosales, JoséPrzybyłowski, PiotrCzepil, DanutaKryliszyn, MariaSajek, KrystynaWątorska, HelenaOzgulec, Ibrahim2023-06-192023-06-192015978-84-608-2683-5 “Welcome to european stories” Grundtvig partnership aims to contribute to formal and informal learning of adult persons in the four European countries through the "Storytelling" educational tool. This project complies as an educational tool and as an educational strategy and motivation in the adult education. Stories are a way to build bridges between different cultures; they are carriers of cultural and historical knowledge. Storytelling techniques are an educational strategy and a pedagogical and motivational tool in order to improve adult or senior learning and in order to integrate them into the life. In this connection, we would like to use the potential of storytelling as an educational tool for the formal or informal adult education. We think that the power of storytelling will enhance the adults and senior´s life. It is a strong tool for empowerment and social inclusion. It has a great potential to attract and motivate adults or seniors to learn, to connect with others, to express themselves and integrate in the society. The partnership is addressed to adults who left the school early (or many migrants who never had the possibility to receive a school education), to the ageing population, to senior citizens and to other related organisations with adult education.spaWelcome to European Stories: multilingual bookbookopen access374.7Educación de adultosAprendizajeCuentacuentosLearning of adultAdult educationStorytellingEducación de adultos5802.01 Educación de Adultos