Varela Donoso, EnriqueGranda Hernández, Consolación2023-06-182023-06-182017-08-18 inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Física y de Rehabilitación. Hidrología Médica, leída el 20-01-2016La Gonartrosis es el tipo de artrosis que más afecta a la población adulta. La prevalencia de discapacidad y los costes que ésta genera a la sociedad está previsto que aumenten aún más en los próximos 25 años debido al envejecimiento de la población. El fracaso de los tratamientos farmacológicos y los efectos secundarios que estos provocan han hecho que la sociedad se interese por las terapias naturales como la Acupuntura. La opinión de las diferentes guías internacionales para el tratamiento de la gonartrosis es contradictorio pues unas lo recomiendan como la Osteoartritis Research Society International, otras se limitan a señalar la necesidad de demostrar su evidencia como la American Academy of Ostopaedic Surgeons, la American College of Rheumatology recomiendan su uso condicional para pacientes con dolor moderado o severo y otras como la European League Against Rheumatism o La National Institute for Health and Care Excellence que no la recomiendan...Osteoarthritis of the knee is the type of arthritis which most affects the adult population. The prevalence of disabilities and the costs which it generates for the society is expected to increase further in the next 25 years due to the aging of the population. The failure of drug treatments and the side effects they cause have made that society shows interest in natural therapies such as acupuncture. The opinion of different international guides about treatment of osteoarthritis is contradictory, because some recommend it as the Osteoarthritis Research Society International, while others limit themselves to point out the need to demonstrate its evidence as the American Academy of Ostopaedic Surgeons, others like The American College of Rheumatology recommend their conditional use for patients with moderate or severe pain, while others like The European League Against Rheumatism or The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence who don’t recommend it. 2.2 Current framework There exist different approaches between Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine regarding the concept of illnesses, diagnostic methods and protocols of treatment. Nowadays different models of Western acupuncture have been developed which differ from the Eastern one in its way of selecting the points and in its puncture techniques, these differences and the different models of simulated acupuncture used to blind build the present scientific panorama about the utility of acupuncture...spaAnálisis de la evidencia de la utilidad de la acupuntura en la Gonartrosisdoctoral thesisopen access616.72-002(043.2)ArtritisArthritisReumatología3205.09 Reumatología