Lucía Megías, José Manuel2023-06-192023-06-192013-112039-0114 of Don Quixote started to appear in the seventeenth century. The images published in the 1657 editions undoubtedly affected the novel's reception, exactly at the time when it was becoming the object of new interpretations. Those illustrations rapidly spread to courtly environments (through tapestries, ceramics, engravings), but also among ordinary people (playing cards). This is well exemplified by the “theft of images” inspired by Don Quixote , which can be found in the pictorial repertoire created by Charles Antoine Coypel in the eighteenth century.spaEl yelmo de Mambrino: del cartón a la cerámicajournal article access821.134.2CervantesQuijoteIconografía cervantinaIconografíaLiteratura española e hispanoamericanaFilología románica5505.05 Iconografía5505.10 Filología