Azagra Rueda, DanielMudarra, C.2023-06-172023-06-1720170022-247X10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.09.015 H be a Hilbert space, E⊂H be an arbitrary subset and f:E→R, G:E→H be two functions. We give a necessary and sufficient condition on the pair (f,G) for the existence of a convex function F∈C1,1(H) such that F=f and ∇F=G on E. We also show that, if this condition is met, F can be taken so that Lip(∇F)=Lip(G). We give a geometrical application of this result, concerning interpolation of sets by boundaries of C1,1 convex bodies in H. Finally, we give a counterexample to a related question concerning smooth convex extensions of smooth convex functions with derivatives which are not uniformly continuous.engAn Extension Theorem for convex functions of class C1,1 on Hilbert spacesjournal article access517C11 functionConvex functionWhitney extension theoremAnálisis matemático1202 Análisis y Análisis Funcional