Maciá Barber, Enrique Alfonso2023-06-202023-06-202004-051098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.69.184202©2004 The American Physical Society. I warmly thank Professor K. Kimura, Professor R. Tamura, Professor T. M. Tritt, Dr. K. Kirihara, Dr. C. V. Landauro, and Dr. A. L. Pope for interesting comments and for haring useful materials. I acknowledge M. V. Hernández for a critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by UCM through Project No. PR3/04-12450.In this work we present a theoretical study on the composition dependence of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) of icosahedral AlPdRe quasicrystals. From our study we conclude that band-structure effects play a significant role in determining the thermoelectric performance of these alloys. By comparing our analytical results with available experimental data of transport coefficients we discuss the most appropriate stoichiometries for thermoelectric applications, concluding that (i) those samples whose Fermi level is located at the pseudogap's minimum exhibit very small ZT values, and (ii) relatively large ZT values are expected for those samples exhibiting narrow features in the density of states close to the Fermi level.engThermoelectric figure of merit of AlPdRe icosahedral quasicrystals: composition-dependent effectsjournal article access538.9Al-Cu-FeStatistical-mechanical theoryMetal-insulator-transitionElectronic transportThermal-conductivityIrreversible processesPower-generationI-AlpdreRe-PdAlloysFísica del estado sólidoFísica matemática2211 Física del Estado Sólido