Sánchez de Miguel, AlejandroZamorano Calvo, JaimeGómez Castaño, JoséPascual Ramírez, SergioLópez Cayuela, Maria AngelesGallego Maestro, JesúsOcaña González, FranciscoMartín Martínez, G.Larrodera, CarlosTinao, B.Oré, S.Palos, M.F.Challupner, Peter2023-06-202023-06-202012-07-10https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/45873The evolution of electric power consumption on public lighting in Spain is obtained from DMSP-OLS satellite data and compared with official data. We provide trends for each Spanish province. Radiance calibrated images for the Iberian peninsula for 1996 and 2006 are shown. We are using pictures taken from the International Space Station (ISS) for Light Pollution studies.engContaminación Lumínica en España 2012: Light Pollution in Spain 2012conference posteropen access52-33551.51Light PollutionRemote sensingFísica (Física)AstrofísicaFísica atmosféricaAstronomía (Física)22 Física2501 Ciencias de la Atmósfera