Sánchez Rojo, Alberto2024-01-202024-01-202021-01-22Alberto Sánchez-Rojo (2022) Waiting before hoping: An educational approach to the experience of waiting, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54:1, 71-80, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2021.18720200013-185710.1080/00131857.2021.1872020https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/94185This work is framed within the development of two Spanish national research projects: 1) “Hyperconnected identity of young people and their perception of time in digital leisure”. Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (ref. PGC2018-097884-B-I00); 2) “Digital identities in hyperconnected young people: challenges facing the family, social and learning context”. Regional Government of Castilla y Leon (ref. SA038G19). Referencias bibliográficas: • Augustine of Hippo. (1997). The confessions. Ignatius Press. • Ayuste, A., & Trilla, J. (2020). A sixth principle for the «Manifesto for a post-critical pedagogy». 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Journal of Philosophy of Education (Early View). https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12457Waiting has traditionally been defined as the interval of time between the anticipation of an event and its occurrence. From an educational perspective, we usually believe that it is not the wait that is important, but the attitude of the individual who is waiting. It is for this reason that, while we can barely find any educational research that addresses waiting, there is a prolific production relating to hope; that is, relating to one of the possible attitudes that someone may have while waiting. This paper, contrary to this trend, aims to highlight, on the one hand, the educational importance that waiting has in itself and, on the other hand, the need to take it into account before addressing any attitude that an individual may show in relation to it. To do this, we will first distinguish between two different ways of waiting, one in which the individual is aware of the objective of the wait and another in which they are not aware of any objective. Secondly, we will analyze each of them separately and point out to what extent our world today is trying to force us to reduce our experience to just one of them. Finally, we will conclude that there is an educational need to experience both if we want to educate open minds capable of dealing with hope-inspiring attitudes in different ways.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalWaiting before hoping: an educational approach to the experience of waitingjournal article1469-5812https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2021.1872020https://produccioncientifica.ucm.es/documentos/60e6a0ee4edb8e25f92cd2f3embargoed access37.01179.92-423.7937.01337.015.3Philosophy of educationTimeWaitingExpectationHopePsicología de la educación (Psicología)Inteligencia emocionalEducaciónFilosofía de la EducaciónPedagogíaPsicología de la educación (Educación)58 Pedagogía6104 Psicopedagogía6106.09 Procesos de Percepción