Rodríguez Alonso, XabierGutiérrez Jorrín, Sara.Bonnin Arias, Cristina NataliaPérez Carrasco, María JesúsPanetsos Petrova, FivosSánchez Ramos, Celia2024-07-192024-07-192019-05-09 today's world, the visualization of digital screens has become a large part of daily life at home, at work, during free time and in movement. The use of data visualization terminals (desktop, laptops, tablets and smartphones) has become a universal activity. In fact, a recent report suggests that adults can pass, in average, approximately 8.5 hours per day watching digital screens. Studies suggest that between 64 and 90% of device users experience visual symptoms. These symptoms include visual fatigue, headache, eye discomfort, dry eye, diplopia and blurred vision, either in far or near vision. In this study, the risks of the use of LED screens are evaluated in working age adult population who spend large amounts of time working in front of LED screens.engIT workers and Computer Vision Syndrome.Los informáticos y el síndrome visual informático.conference postermetadata only accessDigital screen, visual symtoms, LED screensÓptica y optometríaInformática (Informática)2209 Óptica2209.15 Optometría1203.17 Informática