Castro, AlichandraMorère, JacoboCabañas Poveda, AlbertinaFerreira, LilianaGodinho, MargaritaFerreira, PaulaVilarinho, Paula2023-06-172023-06-172016-122050-7526 (Print + online)10.1039/C6TC04232E. new concept to prepare nanocomposite thin films is explored. Two chemical-based bottom-up steps are used to design functional films including: i) block copolymerassisted self-assembly of a porous matrix; and ii) impregnation of nanoparticles from a ferroic phase within the pores by supercritical CO2 deposition. Porous nanopatterned BaTiO3 thin films with ca. 17 nm of thickness are prepared using a cost-effective solgel solution containing a block copolymer and evaporation-induced self-assembly methodology. Hexagonal-arranged pores with diameter of ca. 95 nm, running perpendicularly to the substrate are filled with Ni nanoparticles using the supercritical fluid deposition technique from reduction of hydrated nickel nitrate in a supercritical CO2-ethanol mixture at 250 ºC. Small Ni nanoparticles with 21 ± 5 nm nm are selectively deposited inside the pores of the porous matrix. Structural and magnetic properties prove the coexistence of both phases.engDesigning nanocomposites using supercritical CO2 to insert Ni nanoparticles into the pores of nanopatterned BaTiO3 thin filmsjournal article!divAbstractopen access544Nanocomposite thin filmsnanopatterned porous filmssupercritical CO2 depositionNi nanoparticlesfunctionalQuímica física (Química)