Fernández Sánchez, JuanSeoane-Sepúlveda, Juan B.Trutschnig, Wolfgang2023-06-222023-06-222022-03-200025-584X10.1002/mana.202000102https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/72025We show that, when omitting one condition in several well-known convergence results from probability and measure theory (such as the Dominated Convergence Theorem, Fatou's Lemma, or the Strong Law of Large Numbers), we can construct “very large” (in terms of the cardinality of their systems of generators) spaces and algebras of counterexamples. Moreover, we show that on the probability space $([0,1],\mathcal {B}([0,1]),\lambda )$ the families of sequences of random variables converging in probability but (i) not converging outside a set of measure 0 or (ii) not converging in arithmetic mean are also “very large”.engLineability, algebrability, and sequences of random variablesjournal articlehttps://doi.org/10.1002/mana.202000102open accessLineabilityAlgebrabilityVector seriesProbability theoryRandom variableStochastic process