Luque Del Villar, Francisco JavierPasteris, Jill D.Wopenka, BrigitteRodas González, MagdalenaFernández Barrenechea, José María2023-06-202023-06-2019980002-9599 paper focuses on the similarities and differences between metamorphic graphite (formed in situ from organic matter) and fluid-deposited graphite. We discuss the formation of fluid-deposited graphite in terms of the source of carbon, the characteristics of the C-bearing fluids (the C-O-H system), the mechanisms of carbon mobilization, and the mechanisms of carbon precipitation. New and existing analytical data are compiled on the physical and chemical characteristics of fluid-deposited graphite olitained by the following techniques: optical microscopy, differential ilierrilal analysis, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and stable isotope mass spectrometry. Our discussions focus on major, that is, volumetrically significant, worldwide concentrations of graphiteengNatural fluid-deposited graphite: mineralogical characteristics and mechanisms of formationjournal article access549.2Methamorphic graphiteRamanFluid-deposited graphiteMineralogía (Geología)2506.11 Mineralogía