Sánchez Moreno, EstebanGallardo Peralta, Lorena PatriciaBarrón López De Roda, AnaArias Astray, AndrésDe La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa2023-06-182023-06-182016Sánchez-Moreno, E., Gallardo-Peralta, L. P., Barrón, A., Arias-Astray, A. y Fuente-Roldán, I. N. (2016). Employment status and health in Spain before and after the Great Recession. Social Currents, 3, 386-402. https://doi.org/10.1177/23294965166364022329-496510.1177/2329496516636402https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/24553This article analyzes the relationship between employment status (ES), on one hand, and self-rated health and psychological distress, on the other, in the context of the Great Recession beginning in 2008. For this purpose, it is necessary to move beyond the employment/unemployment dichotomy characteristics of previous theories and research concerning the relationship between the labor market, recession, and health. The authors use data from the Spanish National Health Surveys in 2006 (n = 15,128), before the crisis, and in 2012 (n = 11,124), when its consequences had taken effect. The results of the regression analysis indicate a structural change in the relationship between ES and health. Health inequality patterns changed during the crisis, with increased deterioration in the health of unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, and self-employed workers. Health inequalities were reduced for temporary workers. The results support the idea that the structure of the association between ES and health varies according to the economic cycle. The association between recession, ES, and health would be directly related to the specific characteristics of the economic and employment contexts under study. In the Spanish case, labor market segmentation processes based on numerical flexibility—a key feature of the Mediterranean Variety of Capitalism—may explain the results obtained.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEmployment status and health in Spain before and after the Great Recessionjournal article2329-4973http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2329496516636402https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2329496516636402http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-revista-espanola-geriatria-gerontologia-124-articulo-adaptacion-validacion-version-espanola-escala-S0211139X13000516restricted access316.6:159.9HealthLabor market inequalitiesLabor market segmentationPsychological distressTemporary employmentUnemploymentPsicología social (Psicología)Sociología6114 Psicología Social63 Sociología