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Read and Cumming demonstrated that such a 1D system would experience Ogle's induced effect, a famous illusion produced by vertical disparity. Here, we test whether the brain employs this 1D encoding, using a version of the induced effect stimulus that simulates the viewing geometry at infinity and thus removes the cues which are otherwise available to the 1D model. This condition was compared to the standard induced effect stimulus, presented on a frontoparallel screen at finite viewing distance. We show that the induced effects experienced under the two conditions are indistinguishable. This rules out the 1D model proposed by Read and Cumming and shows that vertical disparity, including sign, must be explicitly encoded across the visual field.spaStereo vision requires an explicit encoding of vertical disparity.journal article access159.9.07159.93Binocular visionVertical disparityInduced effectPsicología experimentalPercepción6106 Psicología Experimental6106.09 Procesos de Percepción