Cruz Martínez, Gibrán Alberto2024-01-302024-01-302017-09-050261-305010.1111/blar.12556 purpose of this paper is to re-examine from a multidimensional perspective the possible existence of a single path that could have conditioned the degree of welfare state development (WSD) in Latin America. Economic/industrial development, trade-openness, democracy and the strength of leftist parties-labour movement are used as explanatory variables in the qualitative comparative analysis. In contrast to previous findings, this paper shows that there is no evidence of a common path followed by countries with a relatively high/medium WSD. Nevertheless, countries that experienced a low economic/industrial development combined with a low democratic experience were conditioned to have low WSD.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalIs there a Common Path that could have Conditioned the Degree of Welfare State Development in Latin America and the Caribbean?journal article1470-9856 accessWelfare stateLatin americaMultidimensional welfare indexQCASocial spendingPCAPolítica5902 Ciencias Políticas