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This problem also arises when repetitive structures appear in the scene (i.e. complex images), where the existing methods produce a high number of failures. We develop our approach from a relaxation labeling method ([1] W.J. Christmas, J. Kittler, M. Petrou, structural matching in computer vision using probabilistic relaxation, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(8)(1995) 749-764), which allows us to map the above constraints. The main contribution is made, (1) by applying a learning strategy in the similarity constraint and (2) by introducing specific conditions to overcome the violation of the smoothness constraint and to avoid the serious problem produced by the required fixation of a disparity limit. Consequently, we improve the stereovision matching process. A better performance of the proposed method is illustrated by comparative analysis against some recent global matching methods.engRelaxation labeling in stereo image matchingjournal article access004Probabilistic RelaxationNeural NetworksVisionAlgorithmDisparityCriterionFeaturesSearchInformática (Informática)1203.17 Informática