Vargas Pérez, CarmenPeñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis2023-06-202023-06-202007-05-01References 1. Fenn, P. and N. Rickman (1999). "Delay and Settlement in Litigation", Economic Journal, July, Vol. 109, iss. 457, pp. 476-91. 2. Garavano, G. (2000). Los Usuarios del Sistema de Justicia en Argentina. Argentina. Fores. 3. Helland, E. and A. Tabarrok (2003). "Contingency Fees, Settlement Delay, and Low-Quality Litigation: Empirical Evidence from Two Datasets", Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Special Issue, October, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 517-42. 4. Hughes, J. W. and E. Savoca (1999). "Accounting for censoring in duration data. An application to estimating the effect of legal reforms on the duration of medical malpractice disputes". Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 219-228. 5. McWilliams, J. M. (1992). "Setting the Record Straight: Facts about Litigation Costs and Delay", Business Economics, October, Vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 19-24. 6. Pastor, S., C. Vargas, J. Hasbún and G. de Jesús (2000). Informe Estadístico y Cualitativo sobre los Usuarios de la Justicia en la República Dominicana en las Áreas Civil Comercial y Laboral. República Dominicana. Banco Mundial and Fundación Institucionalidad y Justicia. 7. Pastor, S. and C. Vargas (2001). "El coste de la Justicia. Datos y un poco de análisis", Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, Vol. XV, pag.. 29-72, Madrid. 8. Pastor, S (2003). "Eficiencia y eficacia de la justicia". (with english summary). Papeles de Economía Española, iss. 95, pp. 272-305. 9. Torre, A (2003). "The Impact of Court Delays on the Prosecutor and the Defendant: An Economic Analysis"; European Journal of Law and Economics, July, Vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 91-111. 10. Vargas, C. and J. L. Peñaloza (2004). "Qué Costes Económicos y Sociales Comporta la Ejecución de Sentencias Judiciales". Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales. Vol. 14. 11. Vereeck, L and M. Muhl. "An Economic Theory of Court Delay". European Journal of Law and Economics, November 2000, Vol.. 10, iss. 3, pp. 243-68.2007-2104 estimates about the duration of judicial cases are usually initiated by eliminating all those observations in which at least one of the two relevant dates (beginning or ending of the procedure) are unknown. This method tends to produce a bias in the estimations. Thus, in this paper we make an application of Survival Analysis to assess the duration of civil cases in Argentina (Capital Federal and Santa Fe). We use Kaplan-Meier Product Limit Method to estimate survival functions (i.e duration) of the cases and then proceed to analyse the explanatory power of several variables in that duration, using a Cox Proportional Hazard Regression.spaThe Duration of Civil Cases. A Survival Analysisjournal article access346Duration of Case ProcessingSurvival AnalysisKaplan Meier EstimatesCox Regression ModelOrganización judicialDerecho económicoMicroeconomía5604 Organización Jurídica5307.15 Teoría Microeconómica