Fidel VegaMaria Sagrario MillánNuria GarzónIrene AltemirFrancisco PoyalesJose Manuel LarrosaGarzón Jiménez, Nuria2023-11-172023-11-172018-09Vega F, Millán MS, Garzón N, Altemir I, Poyales F, Larrosa JM. Visual acuity of pseudophakic patients predicted from in-vitro measurements of intraocular lenses with different design. Biomed Opt Express. 2018 Sep 17;9(10):4893-4906.2156-70852156-708510.1364/boe.9.004893 optical quality of a set of IOLs (modeling set: one monofocal and two bifocals) was assessed through focus by the area under the modulation transfer function (MTFa) metric and related to the visual acuity (VA) defocus curves of pseudophakic patients implanted with said IOLs. A non-linear relationship between the MTFa and clinical VA was obtained with an asymptotic limit found to be the best VA achievable by the patients. Two mathematical fitting functions between clinical VA and MTFa were derived with high correlation coefficients (R2≥0.85). They were applied to the MTFa obtained from a different set of IOLs with advanced designs (trial set: one extended range of vision -ERV-, one trifocal ERV and one trifocal apodized) to predict VA versus defocus of patients implanted with these IOLs. Differences between the calculated VA and the clinical VA for both fitting models were within the standard deviation of the clinical measurements in the range of -3.00 D to 0.00 D defocus, thus proving the suitability of the MTFa metric to predict clinical VA performance of new IOL designs.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalVisual acuity of pseudophakic patients predicted from in-vitro measurements of intraocular lenses with different designjournal article access617.75617.7-089.243681.73Diffractive lenses; Ophthalmic optics and devices; Visual acuity; Visual optics, modeling; Refractive surgery.Óptica y optometríaCirugíaMateriales ópticos3213.09 Cirugía Ocular3311.09 Lentes2209.15 Optometría