Díaz Díaz, Jesús IldefonsoLerena Guil, María Belén2023-06-202023-06-2020020218-202510.1142/S0218202502002173https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/57008We prove the convergence of the solutions for the incompressible homogeneous magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system to the solutions to ideal MHD one in the inviscid and non-resistive limit, detailing the explicit convergence rates. For this study we consider a fluid occupying the whole space R3 and we assume that the viscosity effects in this fluid can be described by two different operators: the usual Laplacian operator affected by the inverse of the Reynolds number or by a viscosity operator introduced by S. I. Braginskii in 1965.engOn the inviscid and non-resistive limit for the equations of incompressible magnetohydrodynamicsjournal articlehttp://0-www.worldscinet.com.cisne.sim.ucm.es/m3as/mkt/archive.shtmlopen access517.9Incompressible viscous and ideal magnetohydrodynamicsNon-resistive limitBraginski viscosity operatorEcuaciones diferenciales1202.07 Ecuaciones en Diferencias