Garzón Jiménez, NuriaRodríguez Vallejo, ManuelCarmona González, DavidCalvo Sanz, Jorge A.Poyales Galán, FranciscoPalomino Bautista, CarlosZato Gómez de Liaño, Miguel ÁFernández, Joaquín2023-06-172023-06-1720181120-672110.1177/1120672118757666 To evaluate surgically induced astigmatism as computed by means of either simulated keratometry (KSIM) or total corneal refractive power (TCRP) after temporal incisions. Methods: Prospective observational study including 36 right eyes undergoing cataract surgery. Astigmatism was measured preoperatively during the 3-month follow-up period using Pentacam. Surgically induced astigmatism was computed considering anterior corneal surface astigmatism at 3mm with KSIM and considering both corneal surfaces with TCRP from 1 to 8mm (TCRP3 for 3mm). The eyes under study were divided into two balanced groups: LOW with KSIM astigmatism <0.90D and HIGH with KSIM astigmatism ≥0.90D. Resulting surgically induced astigmatism values were compared across groups and measuring techniques by means of flattening, steepening, and torque analysis. Results: Mean surgically induced astigmatism was higher in the HIGH group (0.31D @ 102°) than in the LOW group (0.04 D @ 16°). The temporal incision resulted in a steepening in the HIGH group of 0.15 D @ 90°, as estimated with KSIM, versus 0.28 D @ 90° with TCRP3, but no significant differences were found for the steepening in the LOW group or for the torque in either group. Differences between KSIM- and TCRP3-based surgically induced astigmatism values were negligible in LOW group. Conclusion: Surgically induced astigmatism was considerably higher in the high-astigmatism group and its value was underestimated with the KSIM approach. Eyes having low astigmatism should not be included for computing the surgically induced astigmatism because steepening would be underestimated.engComparing surgically induced astigmatism calculated by means of simulated keratometry versus total corneal refractive powerjournal article access617.753.3617.713-089617.741-004.1AstigmatismCataract surgeryPosterior corneaMultifocal intraocular lensSurgically induced astigmatismCirugíaOftalmologíaOptometría3213 Cirugía3201.09 Oftalmología2209.15 Optometría