Matías-Guiu Guía, JorgeRodríguez Bencomo, Juan JoséPérez-Correa, JoséLópez, Francisco2024-01-162024-01-162018Matias-Guiu, Pau, et al. «Aroma Profile Design of Wine Spirits: Multi-Objective Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology». Food Chemistry, vol. 245, abril de 2018, pp. 1087-97. new distillation strategies can help the spirits industry to improve quality, safety and process efficiency. Batch stills equipped with a packed column and an internal partial condenser are an innovative experimental system, allowing a fast and flexible management of the rectification. In this study, the impact of four factors (heart-cut volume, head-cut volume, pH and cooling flow rate of the internal partial condenser during the head-cut fraction) on 18 major volatile compounds of Muscat spirits was optimized using response surface methodology and desirability function approaches. Results have shown that high rectification at the beginning of the heart-cut enhances the overall positive aroma compounds of the product, reducing off-flavor compounds. In contrast, optimum levels of heart-cut volume, head-cut volume and pH factors varied depending on the process goal. Finally, three optimal operational conditions (head off-flavors reduction, flowery terpenic enhancement and fruity ester enhancement) were evaluated by chemical and sensory analysis.engAroma profile design of wine spirits: multiobjective optimization using response surface methodologyjournal article1873-7072 access543Química analítica (Química)2301 Química Analítica