Gómez Sanz, Jorge J.Pax Sánchez, RafaelArroyo Menéndez, MillánCárdenas Bonett, Marlon2023-06-172023-06-1720171820-021410.2298/CSIS161015003Ghttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/18532Developing a large, but smart environment is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts of different disciplines. How to successfully attain such collaboration is not a trivial matter. The paper illustrates the problem with a case study where the manager of the facility intends to influence pedestrians so that they choose a task that requires certain effort, e.g. using staircases, instead of the current one that requires less effort, e.g. using the elevator. Defining requirements for such scenarios requires a strong multidisciplinary collaboration which is not currently well supported. This paper contributes with an approach to provide non-technician experts with tools so that they can provide feedback on the requirements and verify them in a systematic way.engRequirement Engineering Activities in Smart Environments for Large Facilitiesjournal articlehttp://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1820-0214/2017/1820-02141700003G.pdfopen accessCrowd simulationApplied social sciencesAmbient intelligenceMultidisciplinary developmentInteligencia artificial (Informática)Investigación social1203.04 Inteligencia Artificial