Rubio-Lago, LuisRodríguez. JavierGarcía-Vela, AlbertoGonzález, MaríaAmaral, GabrielBañares Morcillo, Luis2024-01-122024-01-122011Rubio-Lago, L., et al. «A Slice Imaging and Multisurface Wave Packet Study of the Photodissociation of CH3I at 304 Nm». Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, n.o 18, 2011, p. 8186. role of the conical intersection between the 1Q1 and 3Q0 excited states in the photodissociation of CH3I at 304 nm is investigated drawing a comparison between the adiabatic—through direct absorption to the 3Q1 state—and non-adiabatic—via the 1Q1 → 3Q0 conical intersection—production of I atoms in the ground 2P3/2 state. The versatility of the slice imaging technique in combination with resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) detection of I(2P3/2) atoms allow distinct measurements of the competing processes. The I(2P3/2) atom kinetic energy distributions (KEDs) obtained in both cases reflect inverted vibrational progressions of the ν2 umbrella mode of the CH3 co-product. The experimental results show a satisfactory agreement with multisurface wave packet calculations using a reduced dimensionality (pseudotriatomic) model carried out on the available ab initio potential energy surfacesengAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalA slice imaging and multisurface wave packet study of the photodissociation of CH3I at 304 nmjournal article1463-9084 access546Química física (Química)2307 Química Física