Malyshev, AndreyZapatero, P. A.Malikov, R. F.Ryzhov, I. V.2023-06-172023-06-17201910.1088/1742-6596/1220/1/012006©2019 International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed Matter and Nano Materials (EXCON) (12. 2018. Nara, Japón)We conduct a theoretical study of the nonlinear optical dynamics of a 2D super-crystal comprising regularly spaced identical semiconductor quantum dots (SQDs), subjected to a resonant continuous wave excitation. A single SQD is considered as three-level ladder-like systems involving the ground, one-exciton and bi-exction states. We show that the super-crystal reveals a rich nonlinear dynamics, exhibiting multistability, self-oscillations and chaos. The behaviour is driven by the retarded SQD-SQD interactions and bi-exciton binding energy.engAtribución 3.0 EspañaNonlinear optical dynamics of a 2D semiconductor quantum dot super-crystal: emerging multistability, self-oscillations and chaosjournal article access538.9NanoscienceNanotechnologyOpticsPhysicsCondensed MatterFísica de materialesFísica del estado sólido2211 Física del Estado Sólido