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The crux of our approach is that the abstraction is enriched with upper bounds inferred by resource analysis that limit the number of concrete instances that the nodes and arcs represent and their resource consumption. The information available in our quantified abstract configurations allows us to define performance indicators which measure the quality of the system. In particular, we present several indicators that assess the level of distribution in the system, the amount of communication among distributed nodes that it requires, and how balanced the load of the distributed nodes that compose the system is. Our performance indicators are given as functions on the input data sizes, and they can be used to automate the comparison of different distributed settings and guide towards finding the optimal configuration.engQuantified Abstract Configurations of Distributed Systemsjournal article access004.4004.75:004.451Static analysisCost analysisDistributed systemsSistemas operativos (Ordenadores)Software3304.16 Diseño Lógico3304.16 Diseño Lógico