Ancochea Bermúdez, José MaríaCampoamor-Stursberg, RutwigGarcía Vergnolle, LucíaGoze, M.2023-06-202023-06-202007Ancochea JM, Goze, M.(1992) Le rang du système linéaire des racines d’une algèbre de Lie rigide résoluble complexe. Comm Algebra 20: 875–887 Ancochea JM, Goze M (1999) On the nonrationality of rigid Lie algebras. Proc Am Math Soc 127: 2611–2618 Ancochea JM, Campoamor-Stursberg R (2002) 2-step solvable Lie algebras and weight graphs. Transf Groups 7: 307–320 Campoamor-Stursberg R (2002) Invariants of solvable rigid Lie algebras up to dimension 8. J Phys 35: 6293–6306 Campoamor-Stursberg R (2003) A graph theoretical determination of solvable complete rigid Lie algebras. Linear Algebra Appl 372: 53–66 Carles R (1984) Sur la structure des algèbres de Lie rigides. Ann Inst Fourier 34: 65–82 Cerezo A (1983) Les algèbres de Lie nilpotentes réelles et complexes de dimension 6. Prépublications Université de Nice Dixmier J (1974) Algèbres enveloppantes. Paris: Gauthier-Villars Favre G (1973) Système des poids sur une algèbre de Lie nilpotente. Manuscripta Math 9: 53–90 Goze M, Ancochea JM (2001) On the classification of rigid Lie algebras. J Algebra 245: 68–91 Mal’cev AI (1945) Solvable Lie algebras. Izv Akad Nauk SSSR 9: 329–356 Nijenhuis A, Richardson RW (1967) Deformations of Lie algebra structures. J Math Mech 17: 89–105 Vergne M (1966) Variété des algèbres de Lie nilpotentes. Paris: Thèse 3ème cycle0026-925510.1007/s00605-007-0467-3 present all real solvable algebraically rigid Lie algebras of dimension lower or equal than eight. We point out the differences that distinguish the real and complex classification of solvable rigid Lie algebrasfraAlgèbres de Lie résolubles réelles algébriquement rigidesjournal article access512.554.3Lie algebrarigidsolvableÁlgebra1201 Álgebra