Fernández Abascal, José Luis

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José Luis
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Fernández Abascal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Física
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Teoría de perturbaciones de fluidos moleculares
    (2015) Fernández Abascal, José Luis
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    The Madrid-2019 force field for electrolytes in water using TIP4P/2005 and scaled charges: Extension to the ions F−, Br−, I−, Rb+, and Cs+
    (Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022) Blázquez Fernández, Samuel; Martín Conde, María; Fernández Abascal, José Luis; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos
    In this work, an extension of the Madrid-2019 force field is presented. We have added the cations Rb+ and Cs+ and the anions F−, Br−, and I−. These ions were the remaining alkaline and halogen ions, not previously considered in the Madrid-2019 force field. The force field, denoted as Madrid-2019-Extended, does not include polarizability and uses the TIP4P/2005 model of water and scaled charges for the ions. A charge of ±0.85e is assigned to monovalent ions. The force field developed provides an accurate description of aqueous solution densities over a wide range of concentrations up to the solubility limit of each salt studied. Good predictions of viscosity and diffusion coefficients are obtained for concentrations below 2 m. Structural properties obtained with this force field are also in reasonable agreement with the experiment. The number of contact ion pairs has been controlled to be low so as to avoid precipitation of the system at concentrations close to the experimental solubility limit. A comprehensive comparison of the performance for aqueous solutions of alkaline halides of force fields of electrolytes using scaled and integer charges is now possible. This comparison will help in the future to learn about the benefits and limitations of the use of scaled charges to describe electrolyte solutions.
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    A potential model for the study of ices and amorphous water: TIP4P/Ice
    (Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005) Fernández Abascal, José Luis; Sanz García, Eduardo Santiago; García Fernández, Raúl; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos
    The ability of several water models to predict the properties of ices is discussed. The emphasis is put on the results for the densities and the coexistence curves between the different ice forms. It is concluded that none of the most commonly used rigid models is satisfactory. A new model specifically designed to cope with solid-phase properties is proposed. The parameters have been obtained by fitting the equation of state and selected points of the melting lines and of the coexistence lines involving different ice forms. The phase diagram is then calculated for the new potential. The predicted melting temperature of hexagonal ice (Ih) at 1bar is 272.2K. This excellent value does not imply a deterioration of the rest of the properties. In fact, the predictions for both the densities and the coexistence curves are better than for TIP4P, which previously yielded the best estimations of the ice properties.
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    A general purpose model for the condensed phases of water: TIP4P/2005
    (Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005) Fernández Abascal, José Luis; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos
    A potential model intended to be a general purpose model for the condensed phases of water is presented. TIP4P/2005 is a rigid four site model which consists of three fixed point charges and one Lennard-Jones center. The parametrization has been based on a fit of the temperature of maximum density (indirectly estimated from the melting point of hexagonal ice), the stability of several ice polymorphs and other commonly used target quantities. The calculated properties include a variety of thermodynamic properties of the liquid and solid phases, the phase diagram involving condensed phases, properties at melting and vaporization, dielectric constant, pair distribution function, and self-diffusion coefficient. These properties cover a temperature range from 123to573K and pressures up to 40000bar. The model gives an impressive performance for this variety of properties and thermodynamic conditions. For example, it gives excellent predictions for the densities at 1bar with a maximum density at 278K and an averaged difference with experiment of 7×10−4g∕cm3.
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    On the computation of electrical conductivities of aqueous electrolyte solutions: Two surfaces one property
    (Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2023) Blázquez Fernández, Samuel; Fernández Abascal, José Luis; Lagerweij, Jelle; Habibi, Parsa; Dey, Poloumy; Vlugt, Thijs; Moultos, Othonas; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos
    In this work, we have computed electrical conductivities at ambient conditions of aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions by using the Einstein-Helfand equation. Common force fields (charge q =±1 e) do not reproduce the experimental values of electrical conductivities, viscosities and diffusion coefficients. Recently, we proposed the idea of using different charges to describe the Potential Energy Surface (PES) and the Dipole Moment Surface (DMS). In this work, we implement this concept. The equilibrium trajectories required to evaluate electrical conductivities (within linear response theory) were obtained by using scaled charges (with the value q =±0.75 e) to describe the PES. The potential parameters were those of the Madrid-Transport force field, which describe accurately viscosities and diffusion coefficients of these ionic solutions. However, integer charges were used to compute the conductivities (thus describing the DMS). The basic idea is that although the scaled charge describes the ion-water interaction better, the integer charge reflects the value of the charge that is transported due to the electric field. The agreement obtained with experiments is excellent, as for the first time electrical conductivities (and the other transport properties) of NaCl and KCl electrolyte solutions are described with high accuracy for the whole concentration range up to their solubility limit. Finally, we propose an easy way to obtain a rough estimate of the actual electrical conductivity of the potential model under consideration using the approximate Nernst-Einstein equation, which neglects correlations between different ions.
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    A force field of Li+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, and SO42− in aqueous solution based on the TIP4P/2005 water model and scaled charges for the ions
    (Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019) Zeron, Ivan; Fernández Abascal, José Luis; Vega De Las Heras, Carlos
    In this work, a force field for several ions in water is proposed. In particular, we consider the cations Li+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ and the anions Cl− and SO42−. These ions were selected as they appear in the composition of seawater, and they are also found in biological systems. The force field proposed (denoted as Madrid-2019) is nonpolarizable, and both water molecules and sulfate anions are rigid. For water, we use the TIP4P/2005 model. The main idea behind this work is to further explore the possibility of using scaled charges for describing ionic solutions. Monovalent and divalent ions are modeled using charges of 0.85 and 1.7, respectively (in electron units). The model allows a very accurate description of the densities of the solutions up to high concentrations. It also gives good predictions of viscosities up to 3 m concentrations. Calculated structural properties are also in reasonable agreement with the experiment. We have checked that no crystallization occurred in the simulations at concentrations similar to the solubility limit. A test for ternary mixtures shows that the force field provides excellent performance at an affordable computer cost. In summary, the use of scaled charges, which could be regarded as an effective and simple way of accounting for polarization (at least to a certain extend), improves the overall description of ionic systems in water. However, for purely ionic systems, scaled charges will not adequately describe neither the solid nor the melt.