Cordero Coma, Julia

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Cordero Coma
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Sociología Aplicada
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Search Results

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    The intergenerational transmission of gender roles: children’s contribution to housework in Germany
    (Journal of Marriage and Family, 2018) Esping-Andersen, Gosta; Cordero Coma, Julia
    Resumen : Research on children's participation in housework is scarce and mainly descriptive. Drawing on theories of gender role socialization, the authors identify how children's contributions are influenced by how their parents allocate domestic tasks. Using data from the German Socioeconomic Panel, which include annual information on time dedicated to housework for all family members, they analyze a sample of 2,293 sons and daughters born 1976 to 1995 who live with their parents at ages 18 and 19 and whose parents reported their own time spent on housework when the children were aged 8 to 11 years. The authors find that parents' housework division when children were ages 8 to 11 affects the likelihood of sons (and less so, daughters) participating in such tasks, even after controlling for parental education, the mother's work attachment, time constraints, and parents' division of housework in adolescence. Analysis of siblings provides additional support for our hypothesis
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    La evolución de las normas sociales relativas a las transiciones familiares en España
    (RES: Revista Española de Sociología, 2022) Seiz, Marta; Castro-Martín, Teresa; Cordero Coma, Julia; Martín García, Teresa
    La sociedad española ha sido testigo de profundas transformaciones en las trayectorias familiares que han seguido distintas generaciones. Las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI se han caracterizado por la importancia decreciente del matrimonio, el notable aumento de la convivencia y de los nacimientos al margen del matrimonio, y una fecundidad muy baja asociada en buena medida al retraso del primer hijo. La mayoría de los estudios previos han abordado estos cambios en el comportamiento demográfico poniendo el foco en condiciones estructurales. Este trabajo explora, comparando dos olas de la Encuesta Social Europea (2006/07 y 2018/19), si en paralelo se ha producido una transformación de valores respecto a el calendario y las secuencias de formación familiar. Los resultados confirman una flexibilización de las normas relacionadas con la edad ideal para la cohabitación, el matrimonio y el nacimiento del primer hijo, así como una mayor aceptación social de decisiones reproductivas y de convivencia no tradicionales. Los cambios son particularmente evidentes entre las mujeres de las generaciones más jóvenes.
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    When the Group encourages extramarital sex: difficulties in HIV/AIDS prevention in rural Malawi
    (Demographic Research, 2013) Cordero Coma, Julia
    BACKGROUND Recent research on the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has highlighted the relevance of married individuals' extramarital sexual behavior for the spread of the disease. At the same time, there is social disapproval of sexual infidelity. OBJECTIVE This article examines the extent to which Malawian married men's likelihood of having extramarital sex is influenced by their expectations about the prevalence of extramarital relationships in their social network. It also explores whether this effect depends on the network density, and whether it is also observed when the extramarital behavior of a particularly influential actor is controlled for. METHODS Data from the last two waves, 2004 and 2006, of the longitudinal survey provided by the Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project are analyzed both cross-sectionally and through a panel analysis with fixed effects. The longitudinal approach enables the researcher to deal with the potential non-random distribution of social interactions among respondents, which bias the estimation in the cross-sectional analysis. RESULTS Married men's expectations about the prevalence of extramarital sexual relationships in the network were shown to have a substantial influence on their extramarital behavior, and the impact was found to be bigger in dense networks. In addition, there was some evidence that the perceived dominant behavior in the peer group is relevant, independent of the extramarital behavior of the respondents' best friends.
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    HIV Prevention and Social Desirability: Husband –Wife Discrepancies in Reports of Condom Use
    (Journal of Marriage and Family, 2012) Cordero Coma, Julia; Breen, Richard
    Resumen: Greater use of condoms within marriage would help limit the spread of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. Using data from the Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project (MDICP), the authors examined the influence that the fidelity norm and the traditional association between marriage and reproduction have on condom use with a spouse. The sample included 749 married couples. The authors used latent class analysis to estimate a "true," or latent measure of condom use by couples based on the individual reports of husbands and wives and to explore the reasons why individuals tend to misreport their use of condoms. They found that married couples with more children were more likely to use condoms and that having been informed by experts about AIDS prevention at home induced men and women to overreport condom use within marriage in a survey but may not necessarily increase the extent to which condoms are used.
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    Intensity of educational expansion: a key factor in explaining educational inequality across regions and cohorts in Spain.
    (European Sociological Review, 2024) Manzano Espinosa, Dulce Nombre; Cordero Coma, Julia; Valdés Fernández, Manuel Tomás
    Resumen: Previous sociological research has indirectly examined the association between educational expansion and inequality by analysing changes in inequality over cohorts during the expansion process. This study tests the impact of educational expansion in Spain by using the proportion of people with a specific level of education in a particular region cohort as a direct measure of expansion. More importantly, this study focuses on the intensity of the expansionary process (of one level of education) as a crucial dimension that influences inequality (in the attainment of the next level). We argue that an intense expansion may strengthen the motivation of advantaged families to increase their investments in their children’s education but limit their capacity to undertake effective educational responses, particularly during the initial stages of the expansionary process. We use the socio-demographic survey conducted in Spain in 1991, which provides representative samples for different cohorts and regions in the country, and employ multilevel modelling to analyse the effect of the phase and intensity of the expansion on inequality. Our findings show a strong positive relationship between the intensity of expansion and the level of inequality that, nonetheless, is less strong at the initial stage of the expansionary process.
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    El espaciamiento de los nacimientos: una estrategia para conciliar trabajo y familia en España
    (REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 2009) Cordero Coma, Julia
    Los intervalos entre nacimientos apenas han sido considerados un fenómeno de interés en los países desarrollados, sino una mera consecuencia de las decisiones de los individuos sobre el tamaño total de la familia y la edad al tener el primer hijo. Sin embargo, es posible que las mujeres espacien los nacimientos de forma estratégica para hacer que el empleo y la maternidad sean más compatibles. El objetivo de este artículo es arrojar luz sobre el análisis de la influencia que el apego a trabajar fuera del hogar por parte de las mujeres y el hecho de recibir ayuda con las tareas domésticas pueden ejercer sobre la duración del intervalo entre el primer nacimiento y el segundo. Para ello, tomo la información de una muestra de 871 mujeres españolas con edades entre los 35 y los 49 años. Los datos han sido extraídos de la Encuesta de Fecundidad y Familia para España, llevada a cabo en 1995. Los resultados obtenidos a través de modelos de regresión lineal multivariada indican que un fuerte apego al trabajo fuera del hogar afecta negativamente sobre la duración del intervalo entre los dos primeros nacimientos, en especial entre mujeres con un nivel alto de educación. No obstante, el efecto positivo de recibir ayuda con las tareas domésticas puede contrarrestar la influencia de las características mencionadas.
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    Parental time dedication and children’s education: an analysis of West Germany
    (Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2018) Cordero Coma, Julia; Esping-Andersen, Gosta; JAI Press
    Parental time dedication in childhood, at least of certain kinds, has been observed to be positive for children's cognitive and emotional development. We examine two underexplored issues: a) the effect of time inputs in early childhood on later educational achievement (at age 17) and b) effect differences by parents’ level of education. We use data from the German Socioeconomic Panel and analyze a sample of 1141 individuals born between 1983 and 1997. Models with and without family fixed-effects are estimated. We find, firstly, that the parenting effect primarily derives from maternal involvement. Secondly, maternal time dedication (at age 4–5) increases the likelihood of attending the prestigious Gymnasium track for children of highly educated mothers. For children of less educated mothers the amount of maternal time in child care makes no substantial difference in Gymnasium attendance. Thirdly, a long-time investment by highly educated mothers is particularly influential when it occurs in early childhood. Finally, the effect of maternal dedication does not vary with mother's employment status.
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    HIV prevention and marriage: peer group effects on condom use acceptability in rural Kenya
    (Social Science and Medicine, 2014) Cordero Coma, Julia
    The twofold function of condom use - contraception and sexually transmitted disease protection - should be taken into account when understanding attitudes towards this practice. Emphasis on the interpretation of condom use as a protective practice conflicts with the norms of fidelity and trust, which regulate marriage. The alternative interpretation of condom use as a contraceptive method may be less problematic. This paper analyzes the extent to which the attitude of married men and women towards condom use with their spouses, and their actual use of condoms within marriage, are affected by their expectations about the dominant attitudes and behaviors in their peer group. I expect that a social consensus on understanding condom use as an HIV-preventive behavior will not make this practice more acceptable within marriage, while social acceptance of modern contraception and, more specifically, of the use of condoms for contraceptive purposes will. Two waves of a longitudinal survey from 1996 to 1999 in rural Kenya are analyzed using fixed-effects regression. Social support for each function of condom use is measured with indicators of the proportion of individuals in the peer group that use condoms for a particular purpose or have a positive attitude towards each of the uses, according to the respondent. The results support the hypothesis for men, but are inconclusive for women. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
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    Child support after marital and cohabitation dissolution in Spain
    (REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2023) Cordero Coma, Julia; Seiz, Marta; Martín García, Teresa; Castro Martín, Teresa
    Non-marital cohabitation is nowadays an accepted family framework for having and rearing children in Spain, but the separation of cohabiting couples falls under the radar of official statistics. This study compares non-resident fathers’ provision of child support between formerly married and cohabiting couples. The analysis is based on data from the 2018 Spanish Fertility Survey. Results from multivariate logistic regression models confirmed that the likelihood of receiving child support was significantly lower among formerly cohabiting mothers than among formerly married mothers, after controlling for compositional differences. This is the first study to examine differences between formerly married and cohabiting non-resident fathers in Spain in meeting economic responsibilities toward their children.