Martínez Cañete, Ana Rosa

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First Name
Ana Rosa
Last Name
Martínez Cañete
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política
Economía Aplicada
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Intertemporal preference parameters for some European monetary union countries
    (Applied Economics, 2007) Márquez De La Cruz, Elena; Martínez Cañete, Ana Rosa; Pérez-Soba Aguilar, Inés
    In the European Monetary Union, the estimation and analysis of preference parameters in its members is of special interest because possible differences could help us to understand why a common monetary policy could have different effects on the different economies involved. In this article, we have focused our attention on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, one of the key preference parameters in intertemporal macroeconomic models. Several studies have shown a possible under-estimation of such elasticity for different countries. It is common practice to estimate the parameter using only nondurable goods and services consumption data, without referring to the flow of services generated by durable consumption. This is only admissible if the intratemporal utility can be separated among the different consumption components. Our first objective is, therefore, to test the assumption of intratemporal separability for a selection of European countries (Germany, Spain and France), and then to analyse the effect of durable consumption on the estimated values of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution of these countries, our ultimate goal. Knowledge of such elasticity will enable us to characterisehow saving in these economies reacts to variations in the real interest rate
  • Item
    Capital stock and unemployment: searching for the missing link
    (Missing Links in the Unemployment Relationship, 2009) Palacio Vera, Alfonso; Martínez Cañete, Ana Rosa; Márquez De La Cruz, Elena; Pérez-Soba Aguilar, Inés