Carbo Gorosabel, Andrés

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Carbo Gorosabel
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica Interna
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  • Item
    Modelo de la estructura de basamento e identificación de fuentes sismogenéticas en la Depresión del Bajo Segura (Murcia-Alicante)
    (Geotemas, 2000) Arregui, J.I.; Hernández Enrile, José Luis; Martínez Díaz, José Jesús; Carbo Gorosabel, Andrés; Amores, R.
    In this work we have carried out a geophysical and seismotectonic study in order to identify and characterise the seismogenetic sources or Bajo Segura actives faults. The main method used is the structural interpretation of gravity data. This method is combined with geological-structural and geomorphological studies, as well as historical and instrumental seismicity data. Several of the strongest earthquakes recorded in the Spanish historical catalogue occurred in this region, among them, the Torrevieja earthquake of 1829. Often, this activity is related to blind faults in the basin interior, that are covered by neogene and plioquaternary deposits. Different faults systems related to the neotectonic stress field and coherent with border structures, may explain this activity.
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    Comparison among SASW, ReMi and PS-logging techniques: Application to a railway embankment
    (Journal of applied geophysics, 2011) Pérez Santisteban , Itziar; García Mayordomo, Julián; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Carbo Gorosabel, Andrés
    Results obtained by SASW and PS-logging (in-hole) seismic techniques are compared with the relatively new ReMi (Refraction microtremor) method at a common site with a well-known soil profile: a recently constructed high-speed railway embankment. PS-logging is the most accurate technique in identifying the soil profile of the embankment followed by Re-Mi and SASW. Mean shear wave velocity estimations are also higher for PS-logging, followed by SASW and ReMi, while mean deviation is similar in each technique. The ReMi technique has provided very accurate results in the study of the embankment profile, which in addition to its high operability and its fast data processing, makes it a very convenient technique for extensive geotechnical surveys